Can You Sell My Condo In 14 Days?
Luke & Angie (not their real names) came to see a landed house that I was marketing one Sunday afternoon. It was love at first sight 😍
But then, there was one problem. They couldn’t buy without selling their existing condo first.
This is a very common issue, as most buyers need to use the sale proceeds from selling their existing property to fund a purchase. There is also additional buyer stamp duty involved.
The next day, the couple contacted me again to view the landed house. During the second viewing, Luke told me he really liked the house and didn’t want to miss it.
Luke: “What can I do if we really want to buy it? Going to purchase in my name only.”
Me: “There is one way to buy first, then sell. But it’s going to be very risky.”
Negotiate a longer option period with the house seller. At the very least, we will need 28 days instead of the usual 14 days. We also need a longer sale completion date for the house.
After securing the OTP (option to purchase) for the house, secure a buyer for your condo within 14 days. The condo sale needs to be completed before the sale of the house is completed.
Assuming the condo is sold on day 14, the condo buyer will have another 14 days to exercise the OTP. This is why the option period for the landed house has to be at least 28 days.
Once the condo buyer exercises the OTP, you can exercise the OTP for the landed house before it expires. You will need temporary accommodation as you wait to collect the keys to your new home.
Luke: “Ok, understood. What’s my risk?”
Me: “Your risk is that you will lose your 1% option fee for the landed house if you can’t sell your condo. If the seller asks for more than 1%, the amount you will lose goes up.”
I had expected a routine response from them – “Oh Jack, that’s too risky”. Then came the moment I’ll never forget.
Ok, let’s do it. Can you sell my condo in 14 days?
My place is very nice. Featured in ID magazine. Can easily fetch $2m.
Luke & Angie reassured me they fully understood my explanation and the risk involved. They were composed and knew what they were doing.
They weren’t going to blame me if things didn’t work out.
So, I signed up for the assignment – without seeing their condo or having done any prior transactions in that development. I prayed what they said about their condo was true.
The OTP for the landed house was duly secured the next day. 5-week option period followed by 13 weeks sale completion. The race had begun.

Luke and Angie owned a penthouse unit. It was, as they claimed, beautiful and in great condition. There was only one problem.
A major issue I discovered only after I saw the unit.
The unit originally had 3 bedrooms. To create an enlarged master bedroom, they combined the master bedroom with one common bedroom. Herein lies the problem.
This unit was now a 2 bedroom unit asking for 3 bedroom prices. It was priced beyond what most 2 bedroom buyers could afford. For the 3 bedroom buyers, despite paying a good price for the beautiful condition, they would have to incur extra renovation costs to reinstate the second common bedroom.
The pool of buyers would be small.
With the clock ticking, I braced myself for an intense 14 days.
In the days that followed, the atmosphere was filled with determination and underlying fear. Although Luke and Angie remained outwardly calm, I could sense the tension in the air. We all knew the stakes were high – failing to find a buyer within the tight timeframe would mean losing the substantial option fee for the landed house.
Despite the pressure, Luke and Angie turned out to be excellent clients. They maintained a steady composure throughout, never once questioning my methods or our progress.
Instead, they focused on how they could best support me, always ensuring the condo was in pristine condition for viewings and graciously leaving the premises to provide potential buyers with the best possible experience.
Their unwavering trust in me only fueled my determination to secure a successful outcome for them.
Against all odds, the breakthrough finally arrived on the night of day 12.
One condo buyer returned for a 2nd visit that night and spent almost 2 hours in the unit with her friend. She eventually wrote me a cheque. While the viewing was going on, Luke and Angie were out on a date playing badminton.
The pure joy on their faces that night when we met outside the badminton hall?
Assignment completed.
Trust and communication between you and your property agent are crucial in challenging situations.
Luke and Angie’s trust in my abilities and their calm demeanour throughout the process were key factors in the successful outcome.
I’m no superstar agent. Timing and luck do play a significant role in real estate transactions. Despite the challenges, the right buyer appeared at the right time, making the seemingly impossible task possible.
It also helped that the property market was on the uptrend at that time. I would have discouraged them from taking the risk in a slow market.
Unique property configurations can be both an advantage and a disadvantage. While the combined bedrooms created an enlarged master bedroom, it also limited the pool of potential buyers. Consider carefully when making renovation decisions.
As a real estate agent, going above and beyond for my clients can lead to incredible satisfaction and joy. The reason why I became a property agent. The happiness on Luke and Angie’s faces will forever be etched in my mind.
Challenging situations can be opportunities for growth and learning. They can also give one the confidence to handle even the most demanding cases in the future.
What has been your most risky real estate move?
Did it pay off for you?

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